
Showing posts from April, 2022

Virtual Machines -- VICTORY!!! (And fails) BUT ULTIMATELY VICTORY!!!!

FINALLY.  After many attempts, after many tries, I have successfully made a virtual machine for Kali Linux. And it installed! The one thing I did different this time: I allocated more storage space to the virtual machine. This allowed it to install properly.  Now, I'm attempting to do the same thing for Parrot OS. The internet said it needed around 16 gigs of storage, but I gave it around 20 just in case.  BUT IT WORKS!!!! (At least for Kali Linux.) Good thing I'm doing this on another computer besides my main one. It'd suck up my storage space. EDIT: It's not 5:50 PM and it turns out the Parrot OS thing wouldn't work no matter what I tried so far. I'm trying for the third time right now. (It keeps freezing up at "select and install software." If this doesn't work I'll try to skip the step and move on to the Grub boot loader. If that doesn't work either I'll try another one of the two other Parrot OS versions I downloaded.) EDIT: It'

Virtual Machines -- Part 3

Okay, so I didn't give up.  I'm still attempting to properly install a virtual machine... something which I haven't succeeded at yet. As of now, I have attempted to install Kali Linux on a virtual machine while following a Network Chuck video down to the letter. Well, almost  to the letter.  After failing only once today in an installation that took up half an eternity, I searched up the problem. It was the same thing: I failed at the installation step. Except for this time, I was using Kali Linux, and this meant that I actually got a whole lot more results. It turns out, that to install it, you need like 21 gigs of storage on the hard disk. I had only given it like 15. And that's for Kali Linux. For Parrot, you need like 16. I had only given it like 10 or 15. So I'm attempting the Kali Linux installation. Again. And this time it's gonna take up another half an eternity. But if it succeeds, I'll try it on the Parrot OS virtual machine. That's the one I

Virtual Machines -- Part 2

Yesterday I left my computer running overnight in my second or maybe third attempt at installing Parrot OS on a virtual computer. The thing is, when I came this morning, it had failed. Again. So after trying like one or two more times, I gave up and downloaded another version: the security version, since I was using the cloud version or something. This time, it not only booted up but went through the entire installation smoothly. Then, in the end, it said to restart the device to reload it. So I did. And now, it asks me to install it again. This blog wasn't originally meant for ranting, but that's all that I seem to be doing nowadays. Nothing seems to be working. I think that the last thing linux installation-related thing that actually worked was the installation of Ubuntu natively on an old computer. And that was after  I tried hacking into it for hours with the command prompt. The installation is currently at 6% and I'm trying not to pull my hair. EDIT: The installation

Virtual Machines -- Part 1

Virtual machines are incredibly useful. People in the tech world use them all the time, but they can be pretty hard to understand and set up. I tried (and failed) several times when setting one of these up. One thing that missed me was that you needed an .iso file to start it up. This obviously put sticks in my wheels since I was trying to make a virtual mac without actually owning one. And no matter what I tried, I couldn't get my hands on a .iso file for mac, and I wasn't stupid enough to download random stuff from shady websites. I only downloaded random stuff from the terminal. A tip I would suggest is to follow along a YouTube tutorial step by step, and to do it for Linux, since the .iso file is free.  A good video that I found incredibly useful is this one . 

Why I Haven't Posted in a While

The title says it all, lol. The reason that I haven't posted in a while, actually, is because since I finished the first version of my Sir Hamster and the Ghosts game, I've been looking for a new project. So far, I've dipped my toes in both React and Bash shell scripting, both of which are interesting. I even made a Bash script to change directories faster within the shell on my laptop. Anyway, I'm still looking for a project that will take me not too long, but a good while. I've got an Arduino UNO lying around, perhaps I will do something with that. If you have good project ideas, feel free to comment down below! EDIT: I initially posted this at 1:56 PM. It's now 8:22 PM and I can tell you that in that amount of time I started an ethical hacking course. I'm really all over the place in terms of my projects...

Amazon Development With Unity Is HARD

Two hours. TWO HOURS. I spent two hours  today on a project that, ironically, didn't even end up working. I kept exporting my Sir Hamster project (watch about that on my latest youtube video here ) to Android TV for the Fire TV and it did not even work.  Not. Even.  Once.  I checked GitHub, and from what I can see a lot of other people have the same problem as me. When I started exporting the project multiple times to GitHub to another computer  so that I can use the adb (android debug bridge) to export it again  to the TV. And, as I said before multiple times, it never worked.  Like a wise person told me twice today in an attempt to console me, it's also the process that's fun. Still feels annoying, though. At least I have a blog to rant about it on. But yeah, this is a personal challenge for me, and it probably doesn't really help that I barely know what in da world am I doing. Probably I'll abandon this for a while and start another project. I've got to polis

What I've Been Working On

So, if anyone has noticed, I've been a little silent on my YouTube channel lately. That's because I've not only been working on another project but multiple projects. They tend to be random. Like, very random. But as a summary, I not only worked on another game but also: Got another computer up and running with Linux Ubuntu Started learning how in da world how to use Ubuntu Started messing around with Android and the Amazon Fire tablet Got my sibling yelling at me not to break the Fire TV because I was uploading stuff to it through the adb (android debug bridge) Tried (and failed) to build a virtual Mac on the aforementioned Ubuntu computer. Played a bit of TwilioQuest (a coding puzzle game) and got my butt whupped by it too. So yeah, I've been kinda procrastinating homework  productive and busy lately.

First Blog Post

 Hey there! I'm Compile Error, as you probably know from the title. I started this blog because of a YouTube channel recommendation. Typical, huh? Anyway, hopefully, you already know me on YouTube. If not, well, what are you waiting for? The purpose of this blog is to document my coding journey in a way that would be much easier than making a YouTube video, which requires A LOT OF EFFORT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you in the future.  - Compile Error