Virtual Machines -- VICTORY!!! (And fails) BUT ULTIMATELY VICTORY!!!!


After many attempts, after many tries, I have successfully made a virtual machine for Kali Linux. And it installed! The one thing I did different this time: I allocated more storage space to the virtual machine. This allowed it to install properly. 

Now, I'm attempting to do the same thing for Parrot OS. The internet said it needed around 16 gigs of storage, but I gave it around 20 just in case. 

BUT IT WORKS!!!! (At least for Kali Linux.)

Good thing I'm doing this on another computer besides my main one. It'd suck up my storage space.

EDIT: It's not 5:50 PM and it turns out the Parrot OS thing wouldn't work no matter what I tried so far. I'm trying for the third time right now. (It keeps freezing up at "select and install software." If this doesn't work I'll try to skip the step and move on to the Grub boot loader. If that doesn't work either I'll try another one of the two other Parrot OS versions I downloaded.)

EDIT: It's now 6:51 PM and PARROT OS IS ON MY SYSTEM!!! IT WORKED!!!! 


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