Virtual Machines -- Part 3

Okay, so I didn't give up. 

I'm still attempting to properly install a virtual machine... something which I haven't succeeded at yet. As of now, I have attempted to install Kali Linux on a virtual machine while following a Network Chuck video down to the letter.

Well, almost to the letter. 

After failing only once today in an installation that took up half an eternity, I searched up the problem. It was the same thing: I failed at the installation step. Except for this time, I was using Kali Linux, and this meant that I actually got a whole lot more results.

It turns out, that to install it, you need like 21 gigs of storage on the hard disk. I had only given it like 15. And that's for Kali Linux. For Parrot, you need like 16. I had only given it like 10 or 15.

So I'm attempting the Kali Linux installation. Again. And this time it's gonna take up another half an eternity. But if it succeeds, I'll try it on the Parrot OS virtual machine. That's the one I want anyway.

Let's hope this works!


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