Why I Haven't Posted in a While

The title says it all, lol.

The reason that I haven't posted in a while, actually, is because since I finished the first version of my Sir Hamster and the Ghosts game, I've been looking for a new project. So far, I've dipped my toes in both React and Bash shell scripting, both of which are interesting. I even made a Bash script to change directories faster within the shell on my laptop.

Anyway, I'm still looking for a project that will take me not too long, but a good while. I've got an Arduino UNO lying around, perhaps I will do something with that.

If you have good project ideas, feel free to comment down below!

EDIT: I initially posted this at 1:56 PM. It's now 8:22 PM and I can tell you that in that amount of time I started an ethical hacking course. I'm really all over the place in terms of my projects...


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