
Where I've Been

Hey guys! Sorry for ghosting you all. (Even though literally no one reads this blog.) I've been busy with school and such things. Anyway, I've expanded my interest to include Linux and networking. I've also been taking apart old electronics, so I would say that I've been leaning more toward the hardware side of things lately.  Anyway, I'm a week away from finishing Python in Motion, an online course offered by Carleton University. Though I'm eager to receive my certificate, it was great going through that course, and I learned quite a bit.  Anyway, I'm hoping to start blogging about my projects soon. I'm a jack-of-all-trades, so it's a little hard to stick with one for long since I have a whole plethora of interests. 

AAAnd We're Back To School (And I broke my computer.)

So... it's been a month now, but we're back to school.  Also in a dual-booting attempt, I managed to mess up my experimental computer that had Linux on it. Ended up just installing Parrot OS and Manjaro on it and erasing everything. (I did manage to copy files over to a hard drive though.) Currently working on a project with some guy from Australia to make a game. Hopefully it goes well and we don't end up abandoning it. 

Dual Booting Ubuntu and Kali Linux

Remember that blog post I made about virtual machines? Well, turns out that wasn't enough.  Now I'm trying to dual-boot it. And for some reason, it's failing at the software selection like last time. Ugh.  (Later) Okay. So I deselected both the "Top 10 tools" and the "default tools" and now it works. Now I will have to install them manually but at least it's installing. Now I just hope that the boot loader will load when I turn it on like in Carleton University.  Oh, yeah. I have summer camp tomorrow.  (Later)  I just installed the GRUB boot loader so that I can choose OSes at the beginning, and had to choose my primary drive. I hope I chose the right one... There were only two options, and the other looked like my USB drive. (Later) It's booting into Ubuntu right now. Kali works and I hope that I didn't break Ubuntu. It's taking a long time to load. Oh, look, it just loaded, and my user shows up.  (FINALLY, AT THE END) It works!!!

AAAAnd It's School Vacation

ALMOST... THERE... Haha, can't tell if you noticed, but I'm incredibly eager for summer vacation. Who doesn't want more time to work on coding projects and writing projects and go camping? And maybe, just maybe, become an actual *choir music plays* programmer?  *choir music stops* Okay, but seriously. I have not yet shed the title of NoOb, and that is something that it on my list of To Accomplish Someday Preferably Soon. I want to be a real programmer. The problem? I... I don't really know. But right now I'm kind of slow, and one thing is a huge problem for me: coding under pressure.  Which is a huge problem considering that coding interviews call for coding under pressure, and since I want to be a software engineer that's a real problem.  But, anyway, I still have some time left.  Maybe in summer I'll get better? Anyway, I know this post is a little off topic, but so far nobody is reading this blog and would probably only read this in an archive.  Comment d

APPLE MACINTOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CAN'T FIND A MAC ISO FILE. There. I said it. This is the reason for a lot of my problems.  This file is crucial for a regular VirtualBox virtual machine, which is what I'm trying to make because I don't have a Mac. And I don't have money to buy a Mac.  Except that every possible not-as-sketchy option I have taken has failed. Qemu virtualization? Failed. Some random git repository? It's supposed to be run on Windows or Mac and I'm not putting that thing in my personal PC in case it's part virus though I scanned it multiple times with an antivirus. How about a virtual windows 8.1 PC? GUESS WHAT. I CAN'T PUT FILES IN IT LIKE THIS. (Also it's INCREDIBLY slow.) So yeah. Maybe I'll just find some money and somehow buy a Mac. (I'm a student so I don't have that kind of money bruh.)

The Windows 10 Dance

Hey guys! You read the title: I've recently gone through the Windows 10 update, to update my OS from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. And from the title, you probably deduced that it didn't go as smoothly as planned.  First of all, it failed like 6 times. There. That's what was incredibly annoying. I kept changing things like disabling services and start-up services. Nothing.  I even went on safe mode or something and used the cmd. Still nothing. So, here's the thing: I followed this article on Microsoft forums and it worked. (I think the tool was trying to do something with the drivers?... idk.) Anyway, now it works, and I've got Windows 10 on my computer! (Now I can download Minecraft bedrock... Tehehe...) Also I made a virtual machine on my Linux computer for Windows 8.1 because I'm sentimental. Here 's the article if you're interested.

Random Ideas

Hey all, Since the last blog post I've published two YouTube videos, played with Arduino, and managed to fix that Python project mentioned before in the previous blog post (the problem was I was trying to fix the wrong line of code, oops.) Anyway, now I've got a Tkinter version of Tic Tac Toe on my computer that entirely relies on the user to check for cheating.  But enough of that. I'm still working on the Tic Tac Toe project, but now that I see the previous blog post, I see that I still have to get around to doing that possible chess project in unity. With my level of learning, it sounds impossible, however, but it will probably be a good experience.  Perhaps a Roblox game?