AAAAnd It's School Vacation


Haha, can't tell if you noticed, but I'm incredibly eager for summer vacation. Who doesn't want more time to work on coding projects and writing projects and go camping?

And maybe, just maybe, become an actual *choir music plays* programmer? 

*choir music stops*

Okay, but seriously. I have not yet shed the title of NoOb, and that is something that it on my list of To Accomplish Someday Preferably Soon. I want to be a real programmer. The problem? I... I don't really know. But right now I'm kind of slow, and one thing is a huge problem for me:

coding under pressure. 

Which is a huge problem considering that coding interviews call for coding under pressure, and since I want to be a software engineer that's a real problem. 

But, anyway, I still have some time left. 

Maybe in summer I'll get better?

Anyway, I know this post is a little off topic, but so far nobody is reading this blog and would probably only read this in an archive. 

Comment down below: what do you want to be when you grow up?


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