APPLE MACINTOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There. I said it. This is the reason for a lot of my problems. 

This file is crucial for a regular VirtualBox virtual machine, which is what I'm trying to make because I don't have a Mac. And I don't have money to buy a Mac. 

Except that every possible not-as-sketchy option I have taken has failed. Qemu virtualization? Failed. Some random git repository? It's supposed to be run on Windows or Mac and I'm not putting that thing in my personal PC in case it's part virus though I scanned it multiple times with an antivirus.

How about a virtual windows 8.1 PC? GUESS WHAT. I CAN'T PUT FILES IN IT LIKE THIS. (Also it's INCREDIBLY slow.)

So yeah.

Maybe I'll just find some money and somehow buy a Mac. (I'm a student so I don't have that kind of money bruh.)


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