The Windows 10 Dance

Hey guys!

You read the title: I've recently gone through the Windows 10 update, to update my OS from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. And from the title, you probably deduced that it didn't go as smoothly as planned. 

First of all, it failed like 6 times.

There. That's what was incredibly annoying. I kept changing things like disabling services and start-up services. Nothing. I even went on safe mode or something and used the cmd. Still nothing.

So, here's the thing: I followed this article on Microsoft forums and it worked. (I think the tool was trying to do something with the drivers?... idk.) Anyway, now it works, and I've got Windows 10 on my computer! (Now I can download Minecraft bedrock... Tehehe...)

Also I made a virtual machine on my Linux computer for Windows 8.1 because I'm sentimental.

Here's the article if you're interested.


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