Dual Booting Ubuntu and Kali Linux

Remember that blog post I made about virtual machines?

Well, turns out that wasn't enough. 

Now I'm trying to dual-boot it. And for some reason, it's failing at the software selection like last time. Ugh. 

(Later) Okay. So I deselected both the "Top 10 tools" and the "default tools" and now it works. Now I will have to install them manually but at least it's installing. Now I just hope that the boot loader will load when I turn it on like in Carleton University. 

Oh, yeah. I have summer camp tomorrow. 

(Later) I just installed the GRUB boot loader so that I can choose OSes at the beginning, and had to choose my primary drive. I hope I chose the right one... There were only two options, and the other looked like my USB drive.

(Later) It's booting into Ubuntu right now. Kali works and I hope that I didn't break Ubuntu. It's taking a long time to load. Oh, look, it just loaded, and my user shows up. 

(FINALLY, AT THE END) It works!!!


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