What Am I Gonna Do Now? How About Break My Brain.

Hey all.

Now that I have finished my quest to get Parrot OS on a virtual box on my Linux computer, I need something else to work on. I tried making an old Arduino idea on TinkerCAD but it didn't work, and now I decided to shoot for a more easily attainable idea. 

I have a whole list of project ideas, but none of them seem to be appealing to me. Perhaps I can try to make another Android app or could try to fix my failed Tkinter version of tic tac toe (I can't seem to get the reload function right.)

Another option is to continue what I was doing in the past and try my hand at bash scripting, but I kinda fell out of that. The best thing I actually made was a program that switched drives on Git Bash on my windows laptop.

Like I might have said earlier, this blog wasn't originally meant for ranting but that's all I seem to do nowadays. If you have any ideas, feel free to comment them down below! 

EDIT: Does a chess game seem too extreme? Maybe not if I make it in Unity...

EDIT: I just came back from attempting to use MS Acess Databases with Python. It didn't go well and didn't work, probably because I was trying to use 32-bit drivers with 64-bit Python.


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